

Pahuta High Five

Indy Baseball Chatter

By Bob Wirz

These last few days of the American Association season are going to be fun to watch, if just for the battle for the league home run record.

We wrote in Thursday’s Independent Baseball Insider column for subscribers about C. J. Ziegler of the Wichita (KS) Wingnuts tying the mark of Brandon Sing of Sioux Falls, SD (2010) with his 27th round-tripper. Guess what? Hours later (Thursday night) the newest Sioux Falls strongman, Tim Pahuta (pictured), homered twice to move one ahead of Ziegler. Later on in the week, Ziegler hit home runs in back-to-back games to jump over Pahuta again, with 29.
Wichita and Fargo have all but wrapped up divisional titles, but the other two playoff berths are very much in question. In the South (which might as well be known as the Texas Division), Laredo has a two-game lead over Grand Prairie and Amarillo. Gary, IN is the wild-card leader, but its bulge is only one and a half games over Winnipeg.


Photo courtesy of the Sioux Falls Canaries


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