
AAPB Media Personality Application

The American Association is seeking a Media Personality to promote our brand mission, products and services through our various digital media platforms. You will be working alongside our digital marketing team to create original digital content while being the “face of the league.”


At the American Association, we are striving to build an exceptional brand of baseball that will stand the test of time and continuously make a positive impact on our communities. We are seeking a highly motivated individual, driven to promote this mission on our fan-facing platforms.


A unique aspect of this role is that you’ll have the opportunity to have the exposure at the league level instead of the team level allowing you to activate in 12-plus communities making you a major part of the American Association experience.



  • Required:
    • Whiparound (Daily)
      • Script, source video, record, and produce a daily whiparound from across the league
      • Draft caption and post on all social media and
    • Weekly Power Rankings (Tuesday)
      • Draft weekly power rankings
    • Player and Pitcher of the Week (Monday)
      • Draft a full written release for the Player/Pitcher of the Week each week
    • Player and Pitcher of the Month (First Day of Month)
      • Draft a full written release for the Player/Pitcher of the Month each month
    • Live Releases (Periodic)
      • Act as a league media personality and conduct a live release of multiple things throughout the year including our All-Star Teams and Selections for our playoff teams
      • Script and produce this live stream in real time
  • Optional:
    • Facebook Game of The Week (Periodic)
      • Host, prepare for games, stream, and cover one game per week with a plethora of special guests
        • Coordinate special guests as needed
    • Calling Games In-Person (Periodic)
      • Do a live call of a handful of regular season games and all of the Miles Wolff Cup Finals
    • AAPB High Leverage (Periodic)
      • Produce and stream AAPB High Leverage periodically throughout the year

West Division

Winnipeg Goldeyes
Fmredhawks Birdlogo Final
Sioux Falls 2 300x275
Explorers M
Lincoln Saltdogs Lgo
Kc Monarchs
2022 Map
Mileage '22

The American Association of Professional Baseball is a 12 team league spanning from Winnipeg, Canada all the way to Cleburne, Texas. The American Association has an avid fan base across the central part of North America and is an MLB Partner League.

East Division

Lake Country Dockhounds 2022
Milwaukee Milkmen Logo
Gary Ss Railcats
Chicago Dogs Logo
Kane Co Cougars
Clebourne Railroaders